Sunday, March 31, 2019

Nutrition in Residential Care Settings

Nutrition in Residential C atomic number 18 Settings health, Wellness and Nutrition worldIn this assignment, I will discuss various aspects of nutrition in a Residential C ar compass. I will look at the opportunities and ch whollyenges a affable disturbance effecter has in addressing the holistic and nutritional studys of the clients and provide. I will look at some of especial(a) dietary considerations and the social factors that ar involved in a residential feel for setting.Residential C atomic number 18Residential Care is an alternative anxiety for young concourse whose family are unable to bid for them. These centres are managed by the Family Support Agency, now Tulsia, or by a voluntary or private Company. There are usually between two and sise young passel living in each house. In 2013, in that location were 321 baberen in residential centres. ( children who live in residential dispense merit the very best care that social care surveyers ba throom provide. To win this, their nutritional deprivations re mete out to be met to ensure that each person can reach their full potential. companionable care workers hold back a duty to look after and provide candid wholesome regimen at the centre. Food is an of import part of everyones life wherefore social care workers need to support children in residential care to use up rock-loving choices and give them virtual(a) skills and association to enable them to make the right choices for their health and wellbeing.( Caroline walker Trust) The nutrition pyramid is the recommended subscribe to that is use in Ireland. Foods are divided into different parts in the pyramid to show the recommended intake of each nutrient group. It states that you should eliminate people of bread, rice pasta and other starchy foods preferably wholegrain varieties with cardinal or more servings for all ages. Although men and boys may eat up to 12 servings depending on how active they ar e.Plenty of fruit and vegetables, at least six or more portionsThree servings of milk, cheese or yoghurt. Children and teenagers will need more. most meat, fish, eggs beans, pulses, and other non-sources of protein. Two servings is sufficient.Very small marrows of fats and oil.A very small amount or none of foods or drinks that is richly in sugar.( Safe food.)A report published in England by Save the Children in 1998, Look Ahead Young people in Residential Care and Food stated that, many young people who had odd residential care were unequipped to live independently. For example, they did non have the skills to shop and cook and this led to unhealthy lives. Young people who had left the service said that they did not learn enough food skills. slight than half of the young people said they had never helped to prepare a meal most of the actives they had taken part in involved setting the tables, washing up or peeling the vegetables. Less than a third base said they had a role in the menu planning. The study a handle showed that a major barrier in residential care was the Health and Safety regulations that excluded young people from the kitchen. (eatingwellchildren2001pdf)Special Dietary ConsiderationsChildren and young people need the right balance of food and nutrients to enjoy a healthy life. The key is to get the balance right, to provide essentianal vitamins, minerals, protein and fibre into the diet. If there are insufficient nutrients in the diet, this can lead to infirmitys and bad health. Childhood fleshiness has increased over the past few years. Obesity affects children in a number of ways including physical mental and emotional wellbeing. If it continues into adult life, it can have serious affects on health much(prenominal) as diabetes, affectionateness disease stroke and some types of cancers. section 3 nutrition focus scotish download.Putting into practise a healthy eating plan in a residential care setting, needs to be approached in a sensitive way. It may take time for young people, to adopt a healthier eating plan and to feel comfortable eating in a group. Some young people may choose eat a vegetarian diet. The staff must ensure that this type of diet is wide-ranging as much as possible to make sure that computable sources of iron, zinc, protein and calcium are included in their diet.Some children in residential care may have a food intolerance or food allergy, which is a response to a food or ingredient. Some foods can cause a severe hypersensitive reaction (anaphylactic shock) to such food as peanuts, shellfish or eggs. This should be highlighted in the childs care plan. Anaphylaxis is the most serious type of allergic reaction and you could die without the proper medical intervention. Although food is the most common allergic reaction insect stings and sometimes exercise can cause anaphylactic shock. The symptoms usually occur within minutes but it can too take a few hours after exposure. As social care workers, it is crucial to be aware of the signs and symptoms as it can happen to anyone at any time. ( this serious life threatening allergy are those who suffer from celiac disease. This disease causes the person to react to gluten which is the protein found in wheat. People with celiac disease have an intolerance to wheat products such as bread, cakes, and biscuits. It causes damage to the lining of the small intestine and thus prevents the soaking up of nutrients. The only way to manage celiac disease is to avoid all foods that contain gluten to prevent further damage. (Celiac society of Ireland)Diabetes like celiac disease is also an autoimmune condition that results in the body unable to beam up sugar (glucose) properly. This happens when the pancreas does not produce sufficient insulin a indispensable hormone that regulates blood sugar level. Insulin helps the sugar in the blood go into the cells of thee organs in the body. Without this process to much sugar would progress up in the blood. As a result, this can cause faintness flunk and coma. There are two types of DiabetesType 1 Diabetes occurs mostly in children and young people. It requires the person to take insulin injections as well as a healthy nutritious diet and exercise. In the residential centre, the staff would have to monitor the persons diet to make sure that the amount of insulin is carefully balanced against the food that supplies the sugar and the amount of excise that is burn mark off the sugar.Type 2 Diabetes is on the rise and it is generally seen in older adults. It can be kept under control with a good healthy diet usually there is no need for insulin but some people need to take tablets. (Kirkpatrick, 2004)Social factorsMealtimes are an in-chief(postnominal) part of our culture. It is where children learn about behaviour and develop saucy skills. It also offers a sense of belonging. Children in residential care may never have stimulated this with their own family. Mealtimes should be an enjoyable experience where staff and children can share stories. When planning a meal it is important to take every person likes and dislikes into consideration. Children who have special diets or those who are vegetarian need a variety of suitable nutritious food. Child care (Placement of Children in Residential Care) Regulations, 1995, Part 111, Article 11. xxxxxxxxxxput inIt is important to build good relationships between staff and children. The care workers ought to look for the views of the children around food and food-related issues. This should be a fundamental part of day-to-day activities at the centre. Social care workers at residential centres have an opportunity to improve childrens experience and health and wellbeing in areas of food practise. It is important for staff to adopt a healthy eating plan, as this will serve as a good example to the children. Children need to develop practical skills around budgeting , buying, preparing and cooking of food as this will prepare them for when the put up the centre. www.Scotland. can work as powerful symbolic mean(a) where thoughts, feelings, and relationships are played out and it can be a recyclable tool for children who have experienced neglect. Through food, children can experience symmetry and nurture and develop autonomy with a sense of control. It can register trust and care. Food is a simple way for a social care worker to monitor the ethos and the culture of the centre. By reflecting on the food practices and attitudes towards food, you can see how your centre is doing in many ways.ReflectionI have found this staff both interesting and challenging. I did not realise how complex and intense it would be. I have really enjoyed encyclopaedism about nutrition and I have integrated this new knowledge into my family life. It has changed the way I look at food. I would also like to do a course on nutrition, as it is such an impo rtant aspect of overall health and wellbeing. I have a good understanding now on infections and diseases, which is so important to social care practise and in my own personal life. The subject that has had the most extend to on was the subject of child abuse. I found it very illuminating and very challenging. This subject has really opened my eyes to the realness of the work that is involved in social care practise.I feel this module is central to social care practise and it has prepared me for social work. I have gained practical every day skills that I will require, to work as a social care worker.

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