Sunday, May 19, 2019

Especially the French Revolution and Napoleonic Era

French Revolution/ Napoleonic Era WHEN THE KING TOOK passage * subject area Constituent Assembly, the new assembly not only set to work drawing up Frances first constitution, but engineered a wholesale transformation of French political and social structures that went far beyond anything most of them had requested in their grievance lists. * During theFrench Revolution, theLegislative Assemblywas the legislature of France from 1 October 1791 to September 1792.It provided the focus of political debate and revolutionary law-making between the periods of theNational Constituent Assemblyand of theNational Convention. * The Legislative Assembly was driven by two opposing hosts. The members of the first group were primarily top members of the bourgeoisie that favored aconstitutional monarchy, represented by theFeuillants, who felt that the revolution had already achieved its goal. 1The warrant group was the democratic faction, for whom thekingcould no longer be trusted, represented by thenewmembers of theJacobin club. 2This group claimed that much revolutionary measures were necessary. * the citizens of Varennes had been asked to elect their own municipal and regional governments and to participate directly in the day-to-day implementation of new laws * Louis XVI fleeing the very constitution he had sworn to defend * Appearance of soldiers in Varennes had led to enormous tensions. We know that this action was part of the general movement of troops intended to nurse the kings escape, a conspiracy in which Bouille was intimately involved. The kings flight had dicey conspiracies involving foreign soldiers and perhaps foreign armies * The night the king suddenly appeared in a small township in northeastern France is arguable one of the most dramatic and poignant moments in the entire French Revolution. * Local inhabitants=reshape their lives * Louis most pervasive impact on the train of events probably came less from what he did than from what did not do from his very lack of leadership, his indecision and inconsistency WATERLOO JUNE 18, 1815 The errors made by Napoleon and some other French commanders during the Waterloo campaign were severe, indeed perhaps even decisive * His own destiny was almost more important to Napoleon than the thousandsand finally millionsof lives that were lost in the course of his pursuit of it * Hundred Days (stage four) french REVOLUTION APP * Directory, a body of five directors that held executive power in France

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